


    Modelling Canopy Height Model with LiDAR and Photogrammetric-derived Point Clouds

    Using point cloud data to create a DTM and a DSM in order to calculate canopy height model.

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    Lake Explorer for Peterborough and the Kawarthas

    Esri-based website and tools for understanding lake bathymetry and water quality indicators for lakes within Peterborough and the Kawarthas.

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    Chiniguchi Waterways Provincial Park Canoe Route Map

    Canoe route map for navigating Chiniguchi Waterways Provincial Park in northern Ontario.

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    Enhanced Flow Direction Grid

    Enhanced Flow Direction Grid for Ganaraska Forest. Comparison of drainage lines from ANUDEM interpolated DEM to photogrammetric representation.

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    Kootenay Valley Remote Sensing Image Analysis

    Three different methods of image analysis using Catalyst (PCI Geomatica): Pansharpened True Colour Composite, SWIR, Standard False Colour Composite.

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    Ranked Habitat Analysis for Salamanders

    Site suitability analysis using DEM, salamander sightings, and ideal habitat data.

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    Supervised Classification of Oak Ridges Morraine

    Supervised classification of orthophotography using PCI Geomatica / Catalyst of the Oak Ridges Morraine area.

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    Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink